Sunday, 4 March 2018

God father of the Mass surveillance, Mind Control and Human Experimentation.

 Please read this comment and sign the petition: "The nation needs to know that being involved with these rogue groups are dangerous & insult to our democracy" # via @CdnChange

KEVIN SHIPP, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government: Lockheed Martin in the top center for all surveillance and illegal work on behalf of the government that operating under the facility of the underground military complexes #

Lockheed Martin established Gang stalking network through the home business franchise - Ex NSA Employee Whistleblower Exposed BY pineconeutopia #

Bell Canada is the most active partner for Mind control & experimentation in Canada. More falsely leveled mental patient the more experimentation victim without question! Power behind of gang stalking;#  . Bell Canada directly involved to facilitate technological/ radio frequency around the victims residence/home by installing the cellular antenna, wireless and other devices. In my home it discovered one of the cellular antenna that installed in the roof.

As per my experience and I believe, most of the local Community agencies, Housing and home business franchise that included the community health Care, those are directly connected to with the torture center of Lockheed Marti. I discovered in my case, the handler for the torture against me is associated with one of that kind of business.

If the any law enforcement and/or independent body initiate to investigate those matters, I will not hesitate to be a witness to it and I will submit my sworn affidavit evidence if necessary.

More importantly noticed that the targeted individual and of his/her family member being under multi-generational experiment program. The only way to escape from this horrific torture if it would be opposed and by the court proceedings. If any targeted individuals/ experimentation victim compromise with this corruption and/or join with this corruption, perhaps, he/she acknowledges/ give permission to multi-generational experimentation. In that case, he/she would only be an audience nothing can say against it.

The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha, civilizations that thousands of years ahead of us By Dr Joshua Stone . If they are human then why they are hidden from the surface world? Why we are unable to use their technology? Who covered up all those things?;#

Reptilian/ Dark forces are living inner world and caves all around the world. Their activities become extremest because of public ignorance and its destroying human civilization."Reptilians live below the earth and eat children's" BYThePleasure Light;#

Corey Goode 2017 - 22 , Inner earth. Alien Genetic Experiments, Secret Space Programs & Break Away Civilizations #

Reptilian Underground Bases That Hardly Anyone Knows About BY Zohar StarGate TV:#

Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin Implicated in Covert Microwave Weaponry Assaults on “Targeted Individuals” by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted June 30, 2016 #

Lockheed Martin also has operational command and control over a U.S. government microwave radio frequency weapon system, MIND CONTROL: MK ULTRA / MONARCH – Part Five: BRICE TAYLOR’S TESTIMONY#

From my experience and I saw most of the general people hesitate and/or afraid to talk and/or support for the mind control and experimentation victim. But they even do not know there is extreme agendas ahead: About 80% of the population has been implanted already through chemtrail spraying. They spraying these chemicals on us, but they are emitting tiny nanobot technology through the aerosols BY MK ULTRA / MONARCH – Part Five: BRICE TAYLOR’S TESTIMONY#

The astonishing matters is that the Corporations developing weapons and sharing the technologies from the Extraterrestrials in the exchanging human as their food. Over 7% of the population directly under the human experimentation and most of them doesn't aware about where their pains connected to and hundred of thousands of people/kids missing, suicide and/or murders.

As  some our Military are working with those corporation on the basis of the private partnership. But I believe the technology and/or advancement that developed all are within the custody and control of the Corporations.

On the other hand the global cabal/ elites Ritual Abuses, Human sacrifice through the mind control and human experimentation; deprivations; electronic & microwave harassment's brain washed, kidnapping; murder; attempted murder; and psychological and emotional damage." # . Mind control MK ultra the use of ceremonial magic for perverse reasons BY universe inside you# ,BY Collective Evolution# .

Our government knows all about the matters very well.But cannot do anything for the victims. Moreover, the Government knowingly facilitate to victimization the people, sponsoring the agencies who are actively working against victimization's, law-enforcement agencies are supporting the shadow and actively cooperating with them.

But the Government took the Oath over the protect the Constitution that provisions designed to afford protection of the rights of the people.

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