Monday, 8 January 2018

A World in danger: Illuminati Conspricy; Alien invasion; Involvement of Goverment Agencies:

Please read this comment and sign the petition. The nation needs to know that being involved with these rogue groups are dangerous & insult to our democracy. via                        

 No-Touch Microwave Torture by Electronic Harassment—New Socio-Criminal Problem of Global Proportions BY Matthew Aaron #

 IGE level in the blood test required, Kevin Shipp Whistleblower #

Public Mass Arrests of Cabal Starting Soon

, for the purposes of "Satanic ritual abuses". The researches and presentation BY the Center for Inquiry: "The Satanic Temple | Mental Health Abuse and Malpractice"#

FBI Chief Ted Gunderson BYProper Gander#

FBI Chief - Secret Society/ human experiment/ Human trafficking BY Conservatism Insight# .

Mass arrests cabal likely to happen very soon in the North America. Worldwide arrest of cabal already started. Trump Behind Takedown Of Saudi Globalists (deep state) BY The Alex Jones Channel#

Who are controlling global cabal ?

People all around the World at least 6000 years have been influenced by the Reptilian (Demons). We are learning lies all about the history, since and ethemetics by Former Aerospace Engineer, William Tompkins, Gaia -Cosmic Disclosure -Chantal#

Wake up! Humanity has already been invaded by the Demons (Reptilian/ Extraterrestrials) BY UFOTV® The Disclosure Network#

For understanding the 1% (global Cabal), need to know about their belief. The Cabal inspired by the Ancient belief in human sacrifice: They fully controlled by the demons /Aliens.  Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples By Discovery #

They are Satanism, Pedophilia, they perform human sacrifice' "all in one" and want to control world population and wealth. Bohemian Grove -Alex Jones#

How global cabal controlling everyone of us ?

The global cabal planned to enslave the world population by using finance,religion, GMO foods, vaccination  and the military & government.

Shadow government, deep state and how the government works, truth revealed by formal CIA officer Kevin Shipp #

Reptilians live below the earth and eat childrens BYThePleasure Light #

The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha, civilizations that thousands of years ahead of us By Dr Joshua David Stone# . Are there any dark forces along with them? Why we are unable to use their technology? Who covered up all those things?

"Educate - Yourself" : 'Medical Mafia'; how mind control works through Vaccines, Satanism & more#

Reptilian Underground Bases That Hardly Anyone Knows About BY  Zohar StarGate TV#

The global cabal planned to enslave the world population by using finance,religion and the military.They Geo-engineered food, medicine and environment. It's destroying the population & prevented to wakening up:Population Reduction byDr. Russell Blaylock#

Illuminati (global cabal) demonized and controlled by the bad aliens . They Geo-engineered food, medicine and environment. It's destroying the population & prevented to wakening up:Genetically Modified Foods by Anna Kopecky#

 Military Ind. Complex: The global cabal planned to enslave the world. They Geo-engineered food, medicine and environment. It's destroying the population & prevented to wakening by Assembly Line Entertainment #

The global cabal planned to enslave the world population by using finance,religion and the military.They Geo-engineered food, medicine and environment. It's destroying the population & prevented to wakening up:Unwarranted Influence; Military Ind. Complex# 

The global cabal planned to enslave the world population by using finance,religion and the military. How Bankers Work their link with the Deep State? BY John Donne #

How the oil industry created a ‘deep state’ in Canada? The global cabal planned to enslave the world population by using finance,religion and the military. Please see: BY MACLEANS#

What are the agendas of the global cabal through the military e.g. alien agendas?

Humans are now becoming an object of conscious design that will merge with machine and human will become a fossil in history BY Darrell E. Hughes Bionics, Transhumanism Full Documentary  via @YouTube

USA (cabal) the Disposable People - New World Order Control System & Military Industrial Complex

New World Order Global Tyranny : The Military Industrial Complex by BNPCrusade2 #

The Global Cabal Agendas; Military Industrial Complex: Enslave the world population & Reduction of World population BY BBC#

Wake up men! Don't be late. USA (cabal) the Disposable People - New World Order Control System & Military Industrial Complex

Why the President Eisenhower, the US President warned in 1961 about the military industrial complex and shadow government? New Wold Order Operations via the Military Industrial Complex by Marc MoreThan #


The Unaccountable Military Industrial Complex Is Destroying America and the Rest Of The World Too BY The Dollar Vigilante #

 Global cabal controlling the government through the shadow government (secret society);

Global cabal has direct influences all branches of the government agencies. They mainly attract through the city municipal board. the shadow government mainly operating by the most Community agency. Not only that they are actively participating through out the alien agendas Co-partnership; Mind control & Experimentation and harassment to the victims. The applicant is the victim of gang stalking, electronic & microwave harassment, mind control & human experiment; victims falsified sanctions "Regulatory offense" based on the records racially profiled under the secret court of the City municipal board that directly influenced by the deep state#

 History- Present To Reveal Alien Domination, Monsters;

Aliens did agreement with the government for experimentation of people in the exchanging of technology: Canada's former Min. of Def. Paul Hellyer# , Professor Mr. Salla#  , Russian Doc. Man in black#

Corey Goode 2017 - 22 , Inner earth. Alien Genetic Experiments, Secret Space Programs & Break Away Civilizations #

An incredible documentary for discovering the puzzles about the hidden truth about our mysterious world, the knowledge that my be surprised you: : Ancient aliens series - Pyramids of Antarctica - Destination Mars BY HISTORY#

Alien: Secret Area 51's- Presented including, two real Alien invasion story; Full Documentary HD PBS Nova #

Do we need to know the Truth? "Secret of Alien Invasion Conspiracy"- people have been killed. "E.T conspiracy to run the World". What they are doing from outer space? By Jesse Ventura, Formal US Governor#

History of mind control and to make their victims do things to hurt themselves and even end their lives,” Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch ... By Colm A. Kelleher, George Knapp#

Skinwalkers (Aliens) - What Are They? They can alter their shapes into a wolf, cat, dog, hamster etc. By Colm Kelleher and George Knapp #  .They copy the voice of any human/close relative and/or animals by Freaks Wiki#

Why Aliens are here?

According to the DULCE PAPERS -- human and cattle DNA may be used to develop "Almost Humans", and other ..... the alien-collective via a computer-radio-video link with an 'alien' computer terminal, by tapping-in to the aliens' ship-to-base communications frequency and ...#

THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE, Compiled by 'The Group' -- Edited by 'Branton': According to the DULCE PAPERS -- that human and cattle DNA may be used to develop "Almost Humans", and other unnatural living forms - Branton. "#


Alien abduction SPERM HARVESTING BY hdargaville 2012#

'I proved human-alien hybrids EXIST', says scientist- Author Miguel Mendonça, who 'found them living on Earth' BY EXPRESS #

Alien Abduction -Wikipedia: Human–Alien- Hybrids #

Alien Abduction Agenda - Part 1: Mass Abduction Experience, Human Cloning BY Dr. Karla Turner. Dr. Karla died of Cancer, shortly after being threatened for work, Part 1 of 4 #

"Disturbing Mess. to all Americans From Ex Defense Minister Of Canada#

Link of Different useful information

New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed - Mind control and Human experimentation. BY the Guardian#

The US President Donald Trump declared State emergency against serious human rights abuse. Should the Canadian Authority response abuse in the human experimentation by the partnership of Canada-US military? BY Evolutionary Energy Arts#

The goals of the gang stalking for the mind control victims includes; to make behavior imbalances, isolated him from family friends, make target crazy. So it will be easy to put the target in the prison or commits suicide. By Marshal Gregory Thomas#

The Cabal cover up Zero Point Energy including, many other alien technology. Disclosure of these technologies will be a dramatic and rapid change in many areas of human endeavors. Bill Jenkins#

Gvt. supported CIA Mind Control. 99% victim does not aware, by the consciousnessofone  , my#

Mind control and human experimentation By Cosmiccontinuum: "Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own"-:

THE HUMAN AURA ( Bio Electric Energy Field ) can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere. NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials. These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts BY rudy2 #

Government uses his own citizens as a guinea pig in the mind control program for developing weapons by ChrchCommittee , ICAACT Interview and presented By an Military expatriate, Dr. Barrie Trower:

The world is heading toward a major crisis. THE DARK CABAL. Full Disclosure Paul T Hellyer Former Canadian Minister of National Defence #

The incredible article and videos published in the ‘CE Collective Evolution’: Illuminati Insider Speak out about the Secret Working of the Elite Group, (how we are everyone in the victim by the Elite Group) ;

Human testing and modification now official agenda by pacman packs:

It's a very likely about Human Mind control experimentation; not only connected with the Military, it is now a combine mission of the experiment with the collaborating with the Skinwalkers (Aliens)". When dreams become a nightmare: Housing Hell#

Eyewitness Testimony: Military-Alien invasion 'Secret Space Program' Wife of Whistleblower Corey Goode BY #

"Educate - yourself": Scientifically proof of mind control and experiment that the vast majority people victims : ‘Global Mind Control 2013’ Dr. Nick Begich –YouTube video-presentation;

The world still burning oil and gas and coal when we have had technologies, sciences, and all the information we need to have had a completely new civilization ---Dr. Steven Greer#

Are you observing some thing? we are experiencing the energy of pleasure; it is clearing all obstacle that the Illuminate Formula which conspired with the bad ET's, to create us Slave: "Disturbing Mess. to all Americans From Ex Defense Minister Of Canada#

The Cabal cover up Zero Point Energy including, many other alien technology. Disclosure of these technologies will be a dramatic and rapid change in many areas of human endeavors. Bill Jenkins#

The Cabal cover up Zero Point Energy including, many other alien technology. Disclosure of these technologies will be a dramatic and rapid change in many areas of human endeavors. Bill Jenkins#

PHIL SCHNEIDER - The Last Words, Phil Schneider was a US government geologist, who fought with the Alien in the deep underground military base in the are 51 #

We Homo sapiens have the access so called zero point field of Energy and access all the power we need without fossil power and pollution that our government know about 60 years before. But the global Cabal blocked it from us BY MAJIC12FILMS#

Deep state 'demonic possessed' and goals: Full control over the world population and wealth. As a result, depopulation is going on. The forces who implementing of their agendas are the real fool, not even understand that they are victims.# #

People need to choose their own path, whether the people follow the evil directorship, who want to control us or follow the spiritual path to love and peace for everyone by Paul Hellyer, the Former Minister of Defense of Canada#

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