Please read this comment and sign the petition. The nation needs to know
that being involved with these rogue groups are dangerous & insult
to our democracy. via @CdnChange
Human-alien hybrid/ mind control experiment agendas going on Canadian School, College, Universities, Prisons, Hospital, home everywhere;
Aliens did agreement with the US government and/or with the Corporations for experimentation of people
in the exchanging of technology: Canada's former Min. of Def. Paul
Hellyer# , Professor Mr. Salla# , Russian Doc. Man in black# .
CIA human experiment/ human-alien hybrid-MKULTRA exported to Canada by Wikipedia # . Secret Alien Bases underground Ontario Lake by Steve Boucher#
Please see the CBC news report: Gag order in CIA brainwashing case silences victims, lawyer says# . Involvement of the Canadian Government, Brainwashed : The Secret CIA Experiments in Canada by the FIFTH STATE#
If you want to know something UNFORESEEN that going on since long, please don't miss it: Human Animal Hybrids Exist! | Tom Horn on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural#
Based on my search, personal experience and believe, aliens/light, dark energy/ Demon/ Reptilian/ Advanced Atlantis Civilization those have magical power are nothing
new. It has been with us at the time of early human. In the past to present we expressed our experiences in the different way in connection
with the incidents with regard to them. Lots of occurrences might be happened in the past that are caused of different
violent races of aliens (Demons). Because of some sick with greedy people/ hybrid Reptilian and Grey Aliens agendas, they
are now invading the general population and entering again in our bedroom/home. I believe the people who did agreement with Aliens/Demons, they are just stupid. Because the people of the government were not capable to understand the power of the Demons and about their agendas.
My understanding about human experiments/ abductions by the Aliens/Demons and/or Military-Demons combine mostly those are not from the other galaxy and/or Star rather than other side of this surface World/ in the name of Hollow earth that other side of the poles(Antarctica). I believe the Hollow earth concept is a myth. I also believe human experimentation's are mostly military connection with the help of Grey Aliens/ Demons/ etc . Grey Aliens have no soul and they are the biological robot by the Demons and/or military (the industrial military complex). Objectives of human experimentation are not limited that multi purposes - military/ Corporations/ Demons interest.
I believe people who are participating and/or member of the shadow/ Secret societies, somehow also demonized by the influence of certain frequencies of the Reptilian/Demons. There are many hybrids-Demons are working from the top levels of the Secret Societies/ Deep State. Also may hybrids- Demons among with us. It is not new that happening from the thousands of years ago. Now it is expanding repeatedly under the government-Demons agreement. As a victim, I'm dealing with the so many members of the shadow/secret society, my personal observations also proved it that their behaviors are not natural and/or human characteristics that familiar with the Reptilian characteristics. It is also noticeable to me that many of them are starting to thinking positively that might by the influenced of positive energy.
military-Aliens partnership experiment the Canadian Citizen since long in their home, care home,
hospital, prisons, school, college and universities in order to implement
the alien agendas/ global cabal / new World order agendas; human-alien hybrids and drug testing, weaponized the
human etc. from the underground military-alien bases in Canada.
My son is the second target in my family for mind control and experimentation under the project MKUltra. He has also been suffering almost same effects for electronic harassment like me. His mind also manipulated through the electronic harassment. Consequences of mind control and experimentation he suffered memory loss, incoherence, and severe personality changes. Since during his School in the Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute he has been under mind controlled and experimentation includes, dis-motivation, they feed him drugs/LSD, brain washed and false thought. The School played main role for implementing most of the torture against him. He already dropped out from the School.
Before that in early stage during the Elementary School 'Warden Ave Public School' played role model for leveling him in the producing bad records on him.I strongly believe that some false report already created for him by the School. "QUINCY JAMES", the Principal of the School convicted him for some allegations that staged a plot with the help of the other perpetrators. The allegations were totally false and stereotypes. In my eyes, MR. JAMES is a dangerous man who is acting as a teacher for the implanting the mind control experimentation/ human-alien hybrids agendas. I'm requesting everyone to careful for their kids who are being touched with this man.
Please see the MKULTRA survivor testimony Canada - Children experiment in Canada, published by marshall gregory Thomas#
Rohinie Bisesar, the woman accursed of murder Downtown Toronto claims
terrorists are controlling her body (mind control and experimentation)
by justin bellmore#
Attack on Quebec Mosque by Alex Bissonnette,- possible false flag under MKulta, published by GoodFellow#
Rohinie and Alex or some other victims appeared before the Court because the consequences of torture against them. This is not the total picture of experimentation victims in Canada. Hundred of thousands of Rohinie or Alex existed in our society and 99% do not know
about their victimization. Most of them leveled as a mental patient
and/or anxiety; some of them suicide, kidnapped, murdered and some in the prison
through the convicted under the various plots by the allies.
Mind Control behind mass shootings? Look to Sirhan Sirhan BY Sott Media#
I believe and saw that not all victims are from the marginalized groups in Canada. Some of the victims targeted from the majority white people. And most importantly, I believe some of the powerful and popular politician in Toronto were the victim and ended their life through the process of the victimization. It might be surprised us. “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” - Buddah.
Leslie Cockburn Olivia Wilde Chris Farley Rob Ford ISRAELI MIND CONTROL MK ULTRA BY PizzaGate2017#
The Rob Ford Story and the real story behind - the fifth estate BY CBC News#
The victims in the mind control and experimentation are not mental patients. The secret society and allies have all the capacities
for leveling them a mental patient through the plots and stereotypes
activities. Tortures includes, applied drugs, chemicals, electronic/microwave
harassment's, sometimes gang stalking/ bully etc. against the victims.
Many victims can't able to realize the reality and victim become a hopeless. USA-Canadian military experimentation existed and it is well-known. But when the victims seek help with regard to their harassment's, doctors are leveling them as a mental patient. This is a simple example to imagine, how the society being corrupted right now? Please see one of the sample CIA medical experimentation#
The goals of the gang stalking for the mind control victims includes; to
make behavior imbalances, isolated him from family friends, make target
crazy. So it will be easy to put the target in the prison or commits
suicide By Marshal Gregory Thomas#
Mind control and human experimentation By Cosmiccontinuum: "Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own"-:
I strongly believe, racism is not a isolated matter. The Canadian society; administration, law
enforcement, education systems, justice systems, everywhere being mechanized systemic racism. The corruption of the politics that mechanized law, rules, system for being discriminated. I personally believe these administrative designs of systemic racism were originated from somewhere else rather than Canadian politician's mind.
Interestingly, the marginalized communities which are victims in the racism, also being
participated within the program that implementing the systemic racism. In my opinion, the laws which available against discrimination that proves the discrimination is almost impossible to anyone. Most of the time it only depends on the Judges, how they would like to see the matter, no matter what the facts. Nowadays,
the mind control and experimentation agendas going on mostly throughout
the marginalized community for the implementing the systemic racism in education system begins from the School.
This is a game.
The roots of systemic racism that falls the families and their kids
because of their family situations. Most of feminist organizations
influences the women's to stand for their rights. On
the faces, it looks like for the well-being of the families.
Importantly, we will be astonished if we deeply see the real agendas of
these feminist organizations. Most of the families break up
and all of them circle in the systemic racism because of hidden agendas of these
feminist organizations. The women who are seeking help totally brainwashed and trapped into their plots. These feminist organizations fully collaborate with the deep state/
secret society. The main objective of this organization is profit rather
than the well-being of the people. Many persons/organizations who are involved sex offending- pizza gate conspiracies are the sponsor of these feminist organizations. Does that make sense?
After targeting the families by the local community agencies and/or feminist groups, the secret Court of the City municipal Board, which dominated/powered by the City feminist group/City secret feminist Division/ workers those are directly connected with the outsider feminist groups, secret societies and police. Then. they will place false records/ stereotyped and will convict officially the so-called abuser of the targeted families. Please see my another blog; secret municipal court# . Next, the associates of the secret society make plots in the school to give the convictions for the kids of those families. Every of these falsely convicted victims/kids falls within in the systemic racism and most of them re-targeted for mind control and experimentation for generation. Victims will never know about their conviction and records regarding the secret Court. Because all records of this secret Court keep hidden from everywhere. Please see book by Rahul Manchanda, "Deep state Defector": The chapter 12 : The Feminist Mafia#
There is nothing that cannot do these feminist groups/secret societies.
They will do everything to stuck the victims before justice. This is the
government privilege that expanding day to day in Canada in the form 'Empowering women' that directly involved of systemic racism and mind-control experimentation. The story like a joke, but it is destroying hundreds of thousands families and kids. There are many City/ government employees/ police knows about the ongoing tortures the victims: Who What When How being tortured the victims.
I believe, all victims, not based on family issues, but most. Circle families and kids in the systemic racism and/or mind control &
experimentation that will terribly vulnerable for getting thing and
will be unsuccessful in their most efforts. But most of the victims
never know about their victimization and causes of their failure but at one stage will participate with the secret society.
As other victims, I was placed surrounded by the neighbors perpetrators, most of them so-called feminist (systemic racism, family), their kids-adult and parents those become perpetrators from their
victimization. They are associated with secret secret society; some has
connection with the local community agencies, some with the feminist
and all other groups and some directly with the police. Beside the
informer, they also directly involved in the gang stalking, chemical, electronic and microwave harassment for the victims. EVERYONE THAT THEY LOOK LIKE A SOLDIER IN WAR. BUT THEY DOES NOT TOTALLY AWARE; WHERE ARE THEY STANDING RIGHT NOW? Government at war against the terrorist, but they are working, fully collaborating, supporting and participating in joint operations with the secret societies (who are definitely terror) against the victims. If any government and/or government agency involved directly or indirectly production of terror or networking with the terror, my question is: How do we aspect of peace or no terrorism? Everything just a false flag.
The secret society is not referring to one single society. There are many secret societies right now active in Canada. But they are connected with the each other and collaborate very efficiently. Why the name of these societies
is 'secret'? Because every society has the different secret black agendas and
many of them deeply connected with terrorism, kidnapping, murder, pizza
gate, child phonograph, human sacrifice, etc. But interestingly, most of the general/ root level members does not aware about this even they may regularly participate/ part of many many major crime or terrorist activities.
United Nation- toward a more feminist , women empowerment.New World Order (conspiracy theory) by Wikipedia# . The plan to depopulation 95% of the World by 2030 BY Ufo Sightings Footage# . There are many matter dealing with and implementing by the United Nation. Each of the agenda's has link to another for achieving the objective of the United Nation.
This is just my observation if there is a link one to another. The majority White people encouraging women and/or feminist most. Depopulation rate increased mostly in the White people . More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States by Time Magazine# .
Are the White also the victims in the different way ? My objective is not for criticizing anything but for understanding the matters.
Right now I'm aware from my experience that the government/military is
trying to use me as a Manchurian Candidate to hurt some groups of people
and/or their beliefs. This agendas can't go with the values which I
own. Whatever my personal belief, I can't sell out myself in
the hope of personal interest. I believe, it is the same thing as to
join with the secret society. I know my statement looks like aggressive
and an issue for the safety of me and my family. But I don't have any
alternative without disclosing it. It is true.
Collection of evidences is most
significantly important for any victim. Whether the personal information/
records exist within the custody and control of the police/ City/
security agencies and related organization. Though the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPCO) is the usual way to collect the records/evidences. But the IPCO/ Tribunal is the most powerful that nobody cannot challenge its Order. On the other hand the IPCO have no authority to interfere with the
unconstitutional act or invalid act and/or this kind of government
activities. There are some judgment of the highest court in favor of review/appeal the IPCO order, but I believe it is impossible for the victim's capacity to get success as the victims rights is restricted and its reflect in the bias of judiciary in the all forms.
This is the matter of normal common sense and logic that why the
Tribunals are so powerful than any other Court? In my opinion, it is the
mechanism that establishes the systemic racism beyond question!!!
Also one thing that I observed during my working with the IPCO that they wants symbolically represent themselves in a various way that anti discrimination. I also noticed that one black woman officer on the front desk who is disabled. But practically, I observed that so many IPCO officers played inside their roles as they are playing as an opposite player. I handled patiently with the IPCO about six appeal even I know the reality. But it was an exceptional that one of the officer of the IPCO unofficially gave me some important information which is very worthy.
From the other point of view: Mostly poor people or general people go to the tribunals for solving/resolving their problems as it is easy to handle/procedures and considering financial burden. But the majority of people failed because of its
order. Then their problems remain unsolved as the order is final. On
the other hand the rich people use the other court that they can appeal
to the higher court if they dissatisfied. In this perspective, I believe
it also clearly discrimination to the poor people/ marginalized
communities. My opinion above based on my experience, not for hurting
someone but for awareness if we can come together to ensure that the justice for all.
Please see the You Tube video, how CIA using kids for programing 'Manchurian Candidate' under the MK Ultra program by Anthony Barrett; . Please see the article where in almost every case of targeting, member of the target family will also be victimized written By Max H. Williams and Published by Rudy Andria:
I'm the tenant of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). In the TCHC, 28 per cent of households are single parent
families • 29 per cent of RGI households report living with a member
with a disability • 23 percent of residents live with mental health
issues. As a result of circle families those in the systemic racism, so many Canadian kids are dropping out from the school and/or somehow complete
the high school and ended their education after the school, many of them
drug addicted and most of them without work. On the other hand, the big
big Corporation hiring in the name of specialist workers from the
aboard with a competitive wages and less benefit. Are some thing more
important news than this big dipper disaster?
Canada Doesn't Know What 154,000 Foreign Workers Actually Do. Lack of information concerns budget watchdog#
Please see the roots, why so much bad thing going on to enslave us; The Rules of the Illuminati- Davit Wilcock #
This is No Fantasy, true story, what is going on against us/victims; - insider testimony: Government uses his
own citizens as a guinea pig in the mind control program for
developing weapons by ChrchCommittee , ICAACT Interview and presented
By an Military expatriate, Dr. Barrie Trower:
Gvt. supported CIA Mind Control. 99% victim does not aware, by the
consciousnessofone , my blog#
Power behind of gang stalking#
e.g. mind control experimentation that gave list of Corporation/party
actively engaged. "Bell Canada" one of them.
"The more
falsely leveled mental patient the more experimentation victim without
I strongly believe, the Bell Canada also actively involved in the other Criteria related to the electronic harassment to the victims.
There is no name who written the above blog, but one thing clear that he/she has lots of information about the corruptions in Canada. In this blog the writer initiates about the prison corruption, in the saying a quote: "The Mayor of Toronto had to joke that there were more cops in jail than criminals". It is also my personal experience and believe that the statement is absolutely correct. Many, many Canadian innocents in the jails who caught throughout the plots, most of them leveled as a mental patient and experimentation going on them without questions.
In order to find out clearly the name of the deep state, who sponsoring
the Mind control experimentation, e.g. military, alien-human hybrid,
please see the donor list of the Hospitals, disability clinic, mental
health clinic etc.
Most of the Community agencies are directly involved gang stalking and electronic, microwave harassment for the mind control and experiment victims. Please see the City of Toronto
giving fund to the Community Organization around the City of Toronto to run this program in the
name of Community Safety Program. In the City of Toronto open data allocations;
The Government are sponsoring " Gang Stalking" Exposed by First Amendment to the United States Constitution#
All victims cases dismisses and/or reject their arguments by falsely/ unconstitutionally leveling - 'National Security' in the various Tribunal/ Court. Because the Secret Society/ deep state took full control over the justice system in order to implement their agendas by influence all government institutions. Shadow government, deep state and how the government works, truth
revealed by formal CIA officer Kevin Shipp #
The Tribunal/ Courts are dismissing the victims cases. In some points if the Tribunal/Court are giving any decisions in favor of the victims but other parties are violating those Tribunal/Court decisions/order.
Please see the case, the Supreme Court of Canada dismiss the application for leave to appeal
and also an application for reconsideration; it is a criminal case,
public interest that the automatic rights to appeal. Moreover, the Toronto Community Housing Corporation itself acknowledged my victimization#
In the case against the Toronto Police Services Board, please see the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPCO) and/or Toronto Police Service Board are violating repeatedly the judge's decisions of the Divisional Court ;
In the another case against the City of Toronto, they violated the IPCO order that given order to the City to disclose few records related to the discriminated in job with the City. On the other hand, the IPCO do not have the authority to disclose the records related to the victimization of the applicant. The Divisional Court dismissed the Notice of Application for Judicial Review #
Please kindly see the article where MKULtra mind control program is implementing in the many School, Prison and Hospital written by Daniel Brandt ; and news published by the New yourk Times:
Please see the New York times report ' MOUNTIES OF CANADA ARE LINKED WITH C.I.A and the C.I.A. had given training in intelligence techniques to members of the Mounties, the Canadian armed forces and other departments of the Government, including the Foreign Office: .
In Dispersing the Fog: Inside the Secret World of Ottawa and the RCMP, Paul Palango demonstrates how municipalities that contract RCMP services are getting ripped off:
Right now gun violence, mass shooting is a serious issue in Canada. But I surprised that no one talking about the main causes of these violence's. The administration is busy to sanction fund to control gun violence and ban gun, etc. I believe those are not right way to handle this crisis.
In order to stop these crimes,
it is necessary to ensure stop targeting the kids & families and
shadow activities. Second, identify the risk communities and necessary to focus in theses home schools that need to reassemble the whole team, including teacher and replace the stuff s/ teachers with good morality and values. Third, if we look currently of these home schools, especially the secondary schools in targeted communities/ neighborhoods that engaged comparatively low standards programs/ subjects. Stop these practices.
The administration should close monitor of these schools and sanction all resources to stop dropping
out. The School should ensure, the students properly lines up for the
next steps. Of course, the administration should ensure no
experimentation in the School. Stop dis-motivation. It's also important to make sure that these School should have sufficiently motivational program activities for the all students, especially those likely to be dropped out. There will be zero tolerance for dropped out even after completion of high School.
Poverty is our cancer of the Societies. So, in the short term until the establishment of equality, need to implement sufficiently incentive programs for engagement in the work/businesses of these families. Stop the practices unnecessarily categorized in the various disability.
For example, the Social housing does not need to hire the contractor for their small/ minor work/ supplies from the outside. They can train the tenants for those work/ supplies.They can make it balance/ reliefs - proportionate rental burden for that if it will be a issue.
Right now, the most Community agencies are engaging in
shadow activities in the name of Community development. Stop these
activities immediately. Reform is necessary in the Community engaged in every aspect that should 'Real Slogan' and 'Real Work' "The Community Development Programs".