Saturday, 6 June 2015

'When dreams become a nightmare'.

Please read this comment and sign the petition: "The nation needs to know that being involved with these rogue groups are dangerous & insult to our democracy". via @CdnChange

I would like to describe a cinematic story 'when dreams become a nightmare' in my life. It will also help for the other victims who targeted like me. This story will clear about the hidden process; how to represent an innocent person as mentally sick and/or forced to act like a mental patient, as a result, it will easy to force to convict and/or commits suicide and how an innocent person is discriminating in the jobs producing through non conviction police report. In this connection, please see my short blog;

I am a targeted individual in Toronto. I am associated with the Bangladeshi Community. Local Community organization 'the Bangladeshi-Canadian Community Services' and which organizer also known as a religion leader one that I know, Mohammad Mostaq Ahmed, targeted me because of my personal believe, they did not like it and/or with the influenced of other individuals. After that they brought an issue against my family that is completely wrong, and they conspired it nakedly that brings a dangerous situation in my family. This local community has been spreading the vogues' information in the several agencies including Toronto Police Service Board(TPSB). As a result, I was discriminated in the several government jobs where I did about 20 job interviews with the different government agency and mentorship program with the City of Toronto. Whereas I was the top 4 out of about 100 competitors in the mentorship preparation completion and got 92% marks in the mentor suggested full time course. Though the TPSB acknowledged in their recent decision under Freedom of information that record exits with their custody in terms of investigation into possible violation of law related to me but denied to disclose records including employers screening history. The personal information exists with the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing and the Toronto Police Service which just like 'open secret' and my appeals is now process with the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario but seems slow and it is taking unreasonable time to process with no progress to collect information.
Please kindly see the Peter Paul’s analytical base survey. He is the project leader of ALLIES. ALLIES have a partnership with TRIC, supports local efforts in Canadian cities to successfully adapt and implement programs that further the suitable employment of skilled immigrants.  Peter found in his survey:
Almost 80% of mentees found work; 
There was a 67% increase in income for the mentee; and 
95% of all mentors said they would hire a skilled immigrant.               

I entered to Canada as a landed immigrant under skilled category in 2006 with wife and two children. That prior to going for Canada, I obtained Masters in Accounting from the University of Dhaka and more than ten years extensive job experience in the field of Accounting and Finance. After arriving in Canada I got a credential assessment from the University of Toronto as four years bachelors in Commerce and Accounting. Though I have huge working experience, after arriving in Canada I successfully completed CO-OP student program which started from January 2007 at the City Adult Learning Centre and my placement was Toronto Community Housing Corporation, where I worked as an Accounting Clerk up to June 2007. After that I worked for Horizon Property Inc. as a Bookkeeper from July 2007 up to November 2007. Thereafter I also worked for Health Canada as a Senior Assistant Accountant from December 2007 to April 2008. However I am a sincere person was keen to develop my position. I started my Bookkeeping and Tax preparation business from 2008 through Ontario Self-employment program. But I have the expectation that once I had obtained Government job experience in Canada, I would be able to find a suitable government job. However in spite of having all my capacities I been been depriving of getting any government job.

On the other hand, I recognized that many of my customers were the perpetrator and some customer introduced me with another.  I was the victim in the behavioral harassment from them. Besides that some of them pressured me for wrongdoing in the procedural aspect. Even though, I tried my best in the maintaining of Revenue Canada policy, procedures and my ethical responsibilities; as I was new in the tax preparation work, some of them might be done few wrong things. I believe, for that reason, Revenue Canada investigated me. I faced many plots for the force conviction in the wrong doing tax preparation work with in my regular customer and outsiders. However, I managed to avoid those plots upon based my morality and virtue of my wit and courage. But once, I feel tried and stopped my business. 

My land-lord is the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). The TCHC is the facilitator of gang stalking including microwave and electronic harassment against me. Recently I got an inspection certificate for electromagnetic field radiation in my home, inspector found 20 milligauss, which she suggested high level of radiation there could be health risk such as insomnia, headaches, nervousness, cancer and leukemia. In her second inspection (as I requested), she also found high radio frequency- 200 μW/m2  in the specific living room area where she suggests it's coming from the ceiling for the cellular antenna, some other devices on the roof or in the roof. She also enclosed a google satellite photo for the roof where I do not see any cellular antenna or other devices. So, what I believed in past that something has installed in the roof for torturing me which comes true. I strongly believe these radio frequencies and EMF has been applying me in the mind control and experimentation since five years. Please kindly see the article where described scientific analysis how electronically harass using electromagnetic fields ( EMF) written by John St Clair Akwei .  

Please see the You Tube video -hidden Towers - Radio Frequency & Radar Mind Control
Presented by the AlphaMindControl:

Please see CNN Special Report EMF Mind Control Directed Energy Weapons Revealed:

Please see the blog by SteveLandman, how the harassment occur using electromagnetic field:

Please see the YouTube video by Skizit Gesture, Gangstalkers Record Brain Frequencies for Torture with Electronic and Acoustic Weapons;

In 2009 CTV W5 has obtained internal security documents for the Toronto Community Housing Corporation that shows in the last three years 18 tenants have killed him-self and other 31 tried but unsuccessful. Please kindly see the You Tube videos that were a CTV reporting “Housing Hell”: 

I strongly believe, the home that currently I am living permanently equipped for the targeted person. I also believe that this apartment also facilitate to supply drugs through the connecting plastic pipe with the main water line and air ducts and we are whole family have been torturing in the supplying of the drug by using drinking water and air ducts. I  believe the TCHC has many homes like that.  We are the TCHC tenants poor, have less resources and knowledge to find out the behind of this program. But generally I think, the tenants do not realize the all situations, what is going on and realize only the issues which showed up, like harassment in the repairing, harassment in the rent and similar like that. But other technological harassment issues always be hidden and/or cannot be connect with the TCHC. The victims who were not able to discover the real cause of their situations treated as schizophrenia and/or a mental patient. I believe many victims suicide because of their forced into insanity but the truth never discovered.  Please see the Canadian Government supported CIA Mind Control - America's Secret War HQ FULL, where 99% victim does not aware, presented by the consciousnessofone; .

The TCHC has been targeted me since on or about 2010 based on false wife abusing story. They received those information form the BCS and or The City of Toronto. As we moved the present residence on August 2010. The home was fully equipped for the purposes of harassment to me.  Please see a cup with the Allen pictures, we found six new same cups in the newly renovated kitchen cabinet. 

This is the alert symbol of mind control and electronic harassment,  (Please see the website below- section:  Alters and Triggers on the PROJECT MONARCH) 

The City of Toronto is the power behind of gang stalking preps, they involved directly along with the list of corporate allies. Please kindly see the online blog:

Please see the City of Toronto giving fund to the Community Organization around the City of Toronto to run the Community Safety Program. In the City of Toronto open data available up to 2013 allocations.

I am the victim in the gang stalking, electronic harassment, microwave harassment for the purposes of mind control and human experimentation. Several attempts were made by the degraded community leader, Doctor. One of them named- Alam Moral who known as community leader, 3212 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto. He induced several persons to convict me. Another plot was created by the family doctor Abu Shamim MD Arif, he is now belongs with 'Warden Wood family practice and Walk in' 99, Firvalley Court, Scarborough.Please see their full activities with regard to convict me in my affidavit which gave the link below in the Court documents section.

To see the daily harassment activities, please kindly click the link below:

The different agencies (like family doctor, housing) which are associated with the targeted individual has been producing false reports related to mental disorder for the target. So, the harassment/surveillance to the targeted individuals to be framed on as a treatment for the targeted individual, in accordance with the government and/or agencies policy, which stated that it is necessary to start initiative and/or steps  before go mental illness beyond out of order (like this). Besides that the targeted individuals might be lost his reliability in the complaining of his ongoing harassment in this way. Whereas most of the targeted person absolutely mentally O.K but they are leveling mental illness to continuing experimentation/torture in the legal frame. The TCHC produced two false security reports on behalf of my address in the year of 2010 that clearly indicated my mental illness which I found recently through freedom of information request. Whereas we do not have any connection with these reports at all and I am completely okay in the physically and mentally. Please see the TCHC security reports;

Please kindly see how the government using these targeted people in the human experimentation for developing weapons for the military. Please kindly see the YouTube; HAARP – The Alex Jones Show (5th Jan. 2011) – Dr. Nick Begich, HAARP, Dead Birds 

Human is experimenting as guinea pigs Dr. Barrie Trower# . 

In this connection, I have a question to the readers. Who is the possible mental patient? Is the targeted individuals? OR The people/organization who were planned to make him mental patient?

Although, the diversified typical psychological harassment has been occurring targeting the victim neighborhood including peculiar type of stalking in person, noising including sleep deprivation by creating humming and bumping noise from the wall and water pipe and torture through electronic harassment and microwave harassment etc. Those are very difficult to prove and collect evidences. Victims are trapped for the harassment, surveillance and/or stalking in his/her surroundings, those may be with the free phones, interned, where he/she is shopping/walking and living.   

This not makes sense, where wide range of perpetrators including related to the government, corporation and civilian is working in this black networking and more or less everyone is the victim in the mind control.
Please kindly see the incredible article and videos published in the ‘CE Collective Evolution’,  Illuminati Insider Speak out about the Secret Working of the Elite Group, (how we the almost every one in the victim by the Elite Group) ;  

My son is the second target in my family. He has also been suffering almost same effects for electronic harassment like me. His mind already manipulated through the electronic harassment. Consequences of mind control and experimentation he suffered memory loss, incoherence, and severe personality changes. I believe, as a result of mind control and include all other negative motivational activities, he is no more interested to go to the School. He is not aware about his mind control matter. Please see the You Tube video, how CIA using kids for programing 'Manchurian Candidate' under the MK Ultra program by Anthony Barrett; . I strongly believe that some false report already created for him by the School and/or Doctor. Please see the article where in almost every case of targeting, member of the target family will also be victimized written By Max H. Williams and Published by Rudy Andria: 

Please kindly see the article where MKULtra mind control program is implementing in the many School, Prison and Hospital written by Daniel Brandt ; 

and news bublished by the New yourk Times:

Currently, I'm experiencing noising campaign in the home, from outside of the home, stalking, electronic harassment in the sleep deprivation, racing heart, heating head, heating body
, painful feet and mind (thought) manipulation. Experience victim can realize difference between effects for the electronic harassment and regular pain/effects. Please see the website published by the foundation Stopeg, where clearly described the various effects for the gang stalking and electronic harassment;

Whereas all concerned authority (set it up) is waiting this kind of complaints from the victim. It can be proven easily mental hallucination of the targeted individuals. Because, false reports relating to mental disorder of the targeted individual already produced by the concerned authority/professionals. In this regard, my one of the concerns for the perpetrators and for their moral values, how do they do it by selling their values so cheap! I believe, the 1% who are the roots of this program are sick. They owned majority Banks, Corporations and Insurance. They have developed this 'black hole' and induced to work their owned companies, included the criminal groups and traped to enter this corruption; the government, professionals, organizations and individuals who are working in this group. All of their activities "wicked sick". This is our responsibility to wake up against this corruption in the establish the 'rule of law' and justice system. Please see the article on mind control experimentation by Julianne McKinney, described clearly about objective of the mind control and its effect to the targeted individuals which mostly I have been experiencing since long. 

It has been distressing for my life by the secretive community-based violent harassment. As a result, I entered in the deep hopeless. This tragedy makes me unbalanced and consequences of the above disaster; my life was in the absolute danger and near to death in two more times.

I filed a lawsuit based on evidences/records against specific individuals/ organization in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. My statement Claim was dismissed as well as my appeal. In this lawsuit, I represented my-self without legal help from anywhere because of the victim in the government program. The Ontario superior Court of Justice did not issue the reasons for decision for this case and released the transcripts only 13 pages out of about 65 pages. The Toronto Community Housing Corporation submitted different transcript with their Book of Compendium. As a appellants it was not my knowledge. The Director of the Bangladesh Canadian Community services attended the motion to Strike without approval of leave to represent. There are much more noncompliance of Civil Rules and inconsistency showed up clearly by the Alam Moral submissions which described in the appeal factum and appeal hearing. The courts ignore 100% of arguments/evidences/ precedents based on the Statement of Claim, Affidavits, Factums and Oral arguments without analysis without any comments.

Please see my appeal factum; appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeal for the Ontario.

Please see my affidavit for the motion to strike on May 26, 2015 as well as part of my Appeal Book and compendium to the Court of Appeal for the Ontario.

Please the transcripts which submitted to the Court of appeal for Ontario.

Please see the Statement of Claim in this action:

Most of the victim does not know and unable to discover that they are the victim in this program. I believe and saw in my own community that victims were managed by the indirect threats and giving the hard time and later on they becomes a perpetrator for saving their life. Once anyone become a victim, at least two of his generation will be blacklisted, continue keep under surveillance and will not be treated equally in the everywhere, including education, jobs etc. In this way, many families in the community are becoming in the blacklisted. Most of the perpetrators in our community I know they also victim. But they do not know about it. I do not have knowledge to evaluate the situation. But throughout my common sense, I really surprised when I look into my own local community, how it is spreading repeatedly and what looks like would be our next generations?

My case became severe because I was continuing my searching for the government jobs and was not getting the job because of my police records. The perpetrators know about it, which caused of planned drastic action against me. They took several attempt to convict me forcefully (this technique is using commonly for the targeted person including other circumstances in the North America). As a result, I will be officially unfit for the government jobs and/or forcefully eviction from the Toronto Community Housing. Local community leader/organizations who are associated with the shadow government target the individuals for this program. I saw they targeted  scholars and bright career oriented individuals. I do not know many community result oriented professionals/individuals in Toronto/Canada. But I know two professionals who has very excellent background and they deserve bright future in Canada. But both of them targeted under this program and that destroyed their career. So my question is, how they (local shadow) are doing community development under this program? Are they destroying the community scholars?  As result in the future, local community will not get good leaders and this corrupted leaders can continue their corruptions. On the other hand, the community based general perpetrators are working against his own community targeted individuals. Community based perpetrators do not know, how they are downing his own community in this way? Instead, they think, they are working for community development. I believe other communities like Chinese, they are more educated in this regard. As a result, we saw much Chinese people serving the government offices and other prominent corporations. 

I would like to mention one simple evidence. I was the volunteer with the Warden Woods Community Center, and one of my coworkers told me how the program is controlling me, who are the behind this program, what capacity they have, and if I do not listen to them, they will kidnap my child, killed my wife, if I go to the lawyer, they will bother me, and they have the capacity to take off my assets, including many things that was recorded more than one hour long. Please listen the audio where Chris threatened me and also gave me many advices.

I do not know the all objectives clearly against the conspiracy for this program. Throughout my deep research/ analysis, I realized, this program is using as a tool to bring the vast majority people under Police surveillance and/or community based surveillance, mind control and human experimentation, especially after 9/11. I believe, in the different level of organizations, even in the execution level, e.g community based perpetrators/leader's has been achieving different objectives through the role paying into this program. The community leaders who are belonging to program, developing a large platform with the group of general perpetrators. The general perpetrators just working with this black networking just as a sheep. The perpetrators are coordinated from the local community centres/religion centres, business groups and by some leaders/professionals. On the other hand, community based leaders and sub-leaders using these flocks (perpetrators) in the showdown of their power, to fulfill their goals from the government/organizations and making benefit through using them in their business and/or expanding their business, at last in the downing of their own communities. These leaders are developing a new generation of slaves (as form of perpetrators and perpetrators from victim) as the program originally designed. I also believe, the community leaders also has a big role to setup punishments, including technological and non-technological harassment for the targeted individuals, those has been executed by another agencies including experimentation. I believe in the experimentation, community has no role but they are executing gang stalking directly and follow the victim 24/7, pass all the activities about the victim, including external consequence for experimentation  of  the victim. The agencies, government or non government follows the decision of the community leaders with regard to victims, related to the all matters including jobs, financial benefit etc. In my case, the Community perpetrators (leaders) now working with the gov. agencies for trapping me in the financial crisis, stopping my financial benefit and setting obstacles in the getting my job. In this way, they are trying and hoping to get escape from the obligations without penalties as I will be downed and lost my bargaining power with regard to the consequences of these barriers and ongoing tortures, as a result, at some point, I will be homeless like the other victims. In this circumstance, I'm aware about my surrounding, what is happening? what I need to do? and I know the way.  

This program designed by the elites for the purposes of controlling this world. There may be a question arise, why the government sponsoring and/or love this program? I believe, the government can ruling their directorship in the leveling of democracy according to their desire. But it’s destroying the civilization, democracy and freedom. The shadow government exists, and they are operating extra judicial correction system and implementing their program by giving their judgments for the targeted people by the  gang stalking, technological harassment and by implementing their decision by the administration procedures. Please see the You Tube videos- Richard Syrett, Toronto talk Show host talks to Eleanor White;

In my case, I believe, I am a victim in the racial profiling. But the targeted individuals are leveling spouse abuse and/or angry etc. for setting in the legal frame anyway.
Some perpetrators are trying to show its very complicated network and they know about targeted person and reason of stalking. I strongly believe that the cause of action is not real what the perpetrators are saying and the gang staling network also not like that they are saying. I believe the perpetrators do not know the real cause of action for this program. This program is performing a big conspiracy. Nobody knows the real cause of action except the policy makers. This program is using as a tools of making black money while performing in the all stage.

Some of the immoral targeted person became preps for saving their life by compromising with this conspiracy. Some other unethical and greedy community leaders/general people/businessman/professional and corporations become perpetrators for enjoying the power and illegal facility. The local community uses the kids in the gang stalking. Would you think how the unethical works they are doing?

I discovered that the local community organization target the person within their own community people.  They have freedom to target any person if they dislike him/her and/or influence by others. After that they hire informer and/or pick up the persons as informer who are the family friends of the targeted person. The informers come to the spouse of the targeted persons and influence to share family information's.

In my case, one of the informer, her name is Salma, (she collected information for her husband Mohammad Hossain), 115-3 Marsh Grass Way, North York, ON M3N 2W7 was at the leading point. She tried her best, to intimate with my wife and showed her best to sacrifice whatever she can do for our family. She tried to convince my wife in anyway and tell her if you join us; there are uncles to work for them as well as you do not need to listen to your husband. Your husband will listen to you. Whatever you tell him, he will bound to do. He will act with the signal of your finger. This is the land of women and you can enjoy your freedoms. She also teaches the techniques how to make crazy to her husband and created many plot to complain willingly against me. Even she influenced my wife to divorce me. Now my wife is telling me, Salma destroyed many families in this way.

In Canada, where a plumber cannot work without certification. I do not understand how this kind of uneducated, unskilled and unethical informer have chance to work in the determination of abuse women. Who does not have minimum capacity to handle this type of case?

The informers who were surrounding me were very jealousy as I initially developed my career and did government jobs and trying to get another one. At last Salma told my wife, sister, “if I did any wrong”, please forgive me. This is the indication that she put my wife name in the abuse list.

Most of the spouse knows that they do not have any problems with their husband but many of them entered in the traps by the informers and hoping to enjoy the extra ordinary freedom. Once a spouse entered in traps they cannot exit from this network, like drug business. They will capture all around her/him with their net. The spouse does not know the consequences of her joining with this network. Later on, he/she become a doll and must follow every instruction even knowing if it is very pathetic one.

Her/his spouse will officially target and the community agency will send that information to the different agency including local police. As a result, the full family will come under surveillance and they lose their every privacy. The targeted family will be restricted in the specific professional jobs including much observation for the whole family. The Community agency which targeted me that was managed by one man. I strongly believe that they do not have minimum organizational or administrative capacity to work with an abuse. Because, there are many factors to be considered to determine an abuse. If I recall/research my family data, I really suspect if they know the meaning of abuse!
The Community agencies are targeting hundreds of thousands innocents. But targeted person does not know about it. May be he/she is a genius but discriminated many jobs because of hidden police reports in the employment security check by the Employers. Their lives become ruin but never know behind story. These Community agencies are destroying the lives of their own community people and society but they are known as a community leader/religion leader!

Those are not only the reason to target an individual. If you are an intelligent, and if have knowledge about some victims, you will see that most of them are innocent and they never did any illegal thing in their whole life, and they were not crazy. But they are the threats for the corrupt corporation, corrupt leaders and corrupted society. They are straight forward and do not afraid to say anything if any powerful person or corporation does anything wrong with them. The corporations and leaders believe this kind of people will hamper in their illegal work. Then they markets about the target that he/she is mentally sick. They will play so many conspiracies to make the target crazy. 
Please see Wikipedia document where United States export project MKULtra to Canada;     

There is no doubt my son and I are the victim in the mind control and experimentation under CIA project MKUltra. But the question is how the CIA implementing this program in the CANADA? Please see the New York times report ' MOUNTIES OF CANADA ARE LINKED WITH C.I.A and the C.I.A. had given training in intelligence techniques to members of the Mounties, the Canadian armed forces and other departments of the Government, including the Foreign Office: . 

In Dispersing the Fog: Inside the Secret World of Ottawa and the RCMP, Paul Palango demonstrates how municipalities that contract RCMP services are getting ripped off:

Please see the WIKIPEDIA article CIA activities in Canada;

Please the article published on the website ‘ Truth Seekers’  Monarch Program-Trauma-
Based Mind Control, described incredible information including criteria in the selecting a victim for 
the mind control:  

It is now proved and mind control scientists Claim ability to Turn off 
Consciousness by Nicholas West; 

Please kindly see how mind control works and what a vast majority people under mind control and human experimentation; ‘Global Mind Control 2013’  Dr. Nick Begich –YouTube video-presentation;

Please see the Illuminate Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave, website published: Educate- Yourself and written By Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler : 

Please see the huge articles about Project MKULta, website published- WANT to KNOW.INFOR: 

Please kindly see the interview of  Dr. John Hall's, how the American Government run mind control project and involved electronic harassment by the Alex Jones Channel:

The goals of the gang stalking are; make the target behavior imbalances, isolated him from family friends, make target crazy. As a result, it is easy to put the target in the prison or commits suicide. Please kindly see the YouTube video published By Marshal Gregory Thomas that perfectly described about the techniques and goal of  gang stalking : 

There are many dangerous incidents has been happening around the innocent targeted individuals, remote natural monitoring system has been manipulating the targeted individuals mind, many of them were not capable to control their manipulated mind:  Please see you tube video By Cosmiccontinuum - Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own-:

Please see the details torturing technique of MKULTRA, Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency from the  lawsuit John St Clair Akwei vs National Security Agency (From an article in Nexus Magazine April/May 96), which has been applying me since 2010;

Please see BRAIN AND SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE, Evidence for the Lawsuit filed at the US courthouse in Washington, D.C. (Civil Action 92-0449) from the Rudy2's Multilingual Blog :

Please kindly see the YouTube published By FansFiltration and host Steve Rambam, a private investigator , how targeted individual losing their privacy by the gang stalker:

Please see how the Secret Break Away Civilization that You're Not Supposed To Know About, published By Dan Flynn, testimony of  Karl Wolfe : 

Please see the interview from the military intelligent s, how the government uses his own citizens as initial ginipic in the mind control program for developing weapons, published by ChrchCommittee , ICAACT  Interview and presented  By Dr. Barrie Trower:

Please see Secret Societies - Shocking Documentary published by astromicwm, TV PG

The illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary published by boundbytruth: 

Please see Secret Societies activities in the Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones 

Please see how targeted individuals surveillance electronically by John St Clair Akwei : 

Please see the YouTube video, how washing your brain under the mind control program published by ThisIs WhatsGoingOn:

Please kindly see the interview with Doctor Miss. Carolina about Medical Mafia, how mind control works through Vaccines, Satanism & more;

A Star investigation shows that police allegations that were never proven or even tested in court still have power to ruin lives.

Surviving from this illegal program (gang stalking, mind control and human experimentation) is the most important part of a victim. In the first, I did not realize about this program that harassment's were going on against me. It was absolutely not believable to me. Because the image of Canadian values which was drawn in my heart it was beyond of that. Later on, I did not understand the situations; what is happening?  Why these things are happening and who are the behind these harassment? Sometimes I was broken up and was very close to death. But in a certain time, I was started getting self-power to stand against this harassment. An investigation by the victim is the most important issue. Because, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are the scientific method cure from the diseases. At some stage, I wanted to hire an investigator. Then realized, it was difficult to find out the right investigator for me. So I stated the investigation by my-self to find out the root caused behind the victimization. Online based research can be a one of the potential tools of investigation. But I saw many fake profiles, videos and articles that created by the perpetrators.  So the common sense will be the main factor in the considering the online based profile articles and videos.

It may dramatically reduce risk by using rare earth neodymium magnet for the targeted person who are being harassed by electronically e.g. through signal, implant etc. I would like to request to the victims talk with a professional in this regard if they interested in. I believe It can help the victim nicely. In the other way confidence is the main factor surviving from the tortures and fighting back gang stalking.  I got a very influential website at the beginning of my internet search and inspired from it to stand up in the fighting back gang stalking. The website link is; I saw another potential YouTube presentation by the Dr Pozner that will definitely help to strengthens the victim confidence in this regard. The link of this presentation;   Victims those are facing harassment looks like to me of electronic and microwave/radiation harassment, I would like to suggest them to exercise regularly. I'm exercising regularly with sound in my neighborhood that reduce my pain, other discomfort and clear the false thoughts, which caused of this harassment. It helps me tremendously. But I don't know if it works to other victims. Besides that I saw a blog  written By Max H. Williams and Published by Rudy Andria, where Mr. Williams described how one’s voice can be recorded . I am not experiencing 'hearing voice' and I do not know about it:,

The term alien abduction or abduction phenomenon; I believe that our government permitting to abduct his own citizen in the name of alien abduction. The government institutions, always behind directly these abductions or experiments. We do not know for sure about the reality of existence of the aliens. Though many whistleblower came forward with many aliens disclosures and most of them only of their oral presentation about their aliens story. Some of them may be real due to government experimentation. It will not certainly, until or unless clear disclosure from the government. But if we look all around the world, upon the circumstantial evidences, it is likely of the existence of aliens and they are visiting in this world. If it is true, I personally believe that the alien races are not threat to this world. But they may be threat for who are known against the humanity. Because, these advanced aliens have the technology and power  and they have ability significantly damage to humans. But they did not occur and/or cause of any damage of humanity or human in the past and no available signs in the present. Anyway, this may be one reality that few bad of the alien races are collaborating with some groups of human (Illuminati)and they have some hidden agendas that for destroying the humanity or human. However, every race have the right to defence themselves from any threat against of them. All are mystery because of covered up.  

I encourage the real victims to support each other at any cost for the purposes of overcome from this crisis. I know it is not easy because the behind power is strong against us. But please remember: “If you believe it nobody can stop you”. Because no evil forever triumphant. Please look back to the history.

Please kindly see the website that mind control victims win Court Cases: